August Willemsen, the page and the reality

August Willemsen, the page and the reality

August Willemsen (1936-2007) was a translator and writer who brought the poems of Fernando Pessoa and Carlos Drummond de Andrade to the Dutch-speaking world. Driven by a fascination with the Portuguese language and Brazilian literature, he traveled to Brazil multiple...

The Literature Machine (season 1)

5-part series about literature. Production, research and interviews Director  Ronnie Griens, editorial staff Jessica Durlacher, Willem van Toorn and Michaël Zeeman, RVU Educational Broadcasting, 1991. Julian...

The Literature Machine (season 2)

6-part series about literature. Production, research and interviews Director Erin Dunleavy, editorial staff Jessica Durlacher, Anthony Mertens and Willem van Toorn, RVU Educational Broadcasting, 1991 / 1992. Rudy...

Country of origin

6-part series about writer’s sources of inspirations. Research and production. Director Henk Renou, editorial staff Jessica Durlacher, Anthony Mertens and  Willem van Toorn, RVU Educational Broadcasting, 1993. Writer Gerard Durlacher returns to his primary school in...

25 Years Poetry International

Featuring the poets Yehuda Amichai, Remco Campert, Maria Elena Cruz Varela, Clara Janés and Willem van Toorn.  Research and production. Director Reza Allamehzadeh, RVU Educational Broadcasting,...

A Lake of Memories

A documentary about writer Rudy Kousbroek and his country of birth Indonesia. A film by Frans Hoeben and Lies Janssen, RVU Educational Broadcasting, 1994. Photos Frans...