Dazzling collections

From Chagall to Mondriaan, short documentary for the Jewish Historical Museum. Research and production. Director Marjoleine Boonstra, producer Interakt, broadcaster, Jewish Broadcasting, 2010.  ...


Series of 6 musical conversations with Roosbeef, Blaxtar, Merlijn Twaalfhoven, Spinvis, Margriet de Moor and Frank Scheffer. Research/production Director Marjoleine Boonstra, host Chris Keulemans, producer Pieter van Huystee Film & TV, broadcaster Buddhist...

Searching for Space

A documentary about architect Herman Hertzberger. Executive producer. Director Kees Hin, producer Interakt. Architecture Filmfestival Rotterdam, 2009 https://www.filmfestival.nl/archief/ik-zag-ruimte/...

Jan Akkerman, Portrait with Guitar

Documentary about the life of guitarist Jan Akkerman. Executive producer. Director Hans Hylkema, producer Interakt, broadcaster NPS, 2007. https://www.filmfestival.nl/archief/jan-akkerman-portret-met-gitaar/...

Fingers Pointing at the Moon

Documentary on the occasion of the exhibition “World, Nature, Art” in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. Research and production. Director Marjoleine Boonstra, Buddhist Broadcast Foundation,...