August Willemsen, the page and the reality

August Willemsen, the page and the reality

August Willemsen (1936-2007) was a translator and writer who brought the poems of Fernando Pessoa and Carlos Drummond de Andrade to the Dutch-speaking world. Driven by a fascination with the Portuguese language and Brazilian literature, he traveled to Brazil multiple...

In the spirit of Calder

In a poetic and visual essay the work of Alexander Calder is the beginning of a journey into the process of making art. Calder, who was the first to set sculpture in motion. Calder, who wanted above all to create an experience, as his grandson Sandy Rower points...
August Willemsen, the page and the reality

Ariadne’s Thread

In the labyrinth of waste and pollution that is fashion, this documentary looks for people who are spinning new yarns to inspire a different way of making clothes, one that adorns people and respects the earth. Research, scenario en regie: Marjoleine Boonstra...
August Willemsen, the page and the reality

Nollen melodies

Documentary on Dutch photographer Arno Nollen (1964-2022) A journey through the legacy of Arno Nollen, accompanied by the women who modelled for him, about whom he once said, “They know everything, but they lack the experience. That’s interesting to...
August Willemsen, the page and the reality

Pain and pills

The documentary Pain and Pills aims to break the taboos and great silence surrounding the growing epidemic of pain and drug addiction, make the shame and loneliness of sufferers and addicts palpable, and explore what the causes and solutions are. A film about the...