Home Away from Home, the worlds of Do Ho Suh

Always being in transit, Do Ho Suh, originating from Korea, transforms his emotions into sensual, poetic and spatial art works, questioning global issues of migration and identity. Working with materials that represent his fascination for intangible dreams and...

They Call Me Babu

Archive documentary about the change of power in Indonesia between 1945 and 1950 from the point of view of a babu. Babu’s were local women who took care of the children of Dutch families. Script advice. Director  Sandra Beerends, producer Pieter van Huystee Film,...


Documentary about young asylumseekers with nostalgia for the refugee shelters, where they stayed after coming to the Netherlands. Scriptediting. Director Sergej Kreso, producer Zuidenwind Filmproducties, broadcaster IKON, 2014....


Documentaire over een meisje dat twijfelt over het wel of niet dragen van een hoofddoek op hara nieuwe school. Scenarioadviezen. Regie Saskia Gubbels, Hollandse Helden en NCRV, 2010. ...

Poetry = Word Art

A documentary on the occasion of the centenary of birth of Belgian poet and writer Paul van Ostayen. A film by Frans Hoeben, Jef Bogman and Lies Janssen, RVU Educational...