The Desert and the Sea

Documentary about refugee Algerian writers in France. Production. Director Karim Traïdia, editorial staff Willem van Toorn, broadcaster RVU Educational Broadcaster,...

There is a House in Holland

Production on the occasion of 50 years Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Five refugee filmmakers on the notion of ‘Home’. Productie Directors Amiran Tchikhinashvili (Georgia), Miguel Petchkovsky (Angola), Soheila Najand (Iran), Jennifer Yiu Ja Feng (China) en Vuk...

Drinking Dutch Water

Drama film on the occasion of 50 years Universal Declaration of Human Rights, based on authentic texts of newcomers in the Netherlands.  Production. Director Karim Traïdia, based on an  idea of Adriaan van Dis and Wim Willems, broadcaster RVU educational broadcaster,...


Documentary about young asylumseekers with nostalgia for the refugee shelters, where they stayed after coming to the Netherlands. Scriptediting. Director Sergej Kreso, producer Zuidenwind Filmproducties, broadcaster IKON, 2014....

We are “Gypsies”

3-part series about the life of Sinti and Roma in the Netherlands. Research and production.   Director Reza Allamehzadeh, NOS, 1990. foto: Han...