In development and production

The Gown and the Shipwreck

A dress is found by Texel sports divers in a shipwreck in the Wadden Sea, a unique discovery that is causing excitement worldwide. Who has the right to the finds?In this three-part series, the dress and other treasures from the Palmwood wreck cause a clash between the...

Pain and pills

The documentary Pain and Pills aims to break the taboos and great silence surrounding the growing epidemic of pain and drug addiction, make the shame and loneliness of sufferers and addicts palpable, and explore what the causes and solutions are. A film about the...

Nollen melodies

Documentary on Dutch photographer Arno Nollen (1964-2022) A journey through the legacy of Arno Nollen, accompanied by the women who modelled for him, about whom he once said, "They know everything, but they lack the experience. That's interesting to capture." How do...

Ariadne’s Thread

In the labyrinth of waste and pollution that is fashion, this documentary looks for people who are spinning new yarns to inspire a different way of making clothes, one that adorns people and respects the earth. Research, scenario en regie: Marjoleine Boonstra...

Anywhere the wind blows

Dutch windmills are famous all over the world. A new Dutch windmill of the future is ready to conquer the world: The Dutch Windwheel. In a  swirling, playful and sensory narrative this film joins the adventures of this iconic windwheel and looks for stories in which...

The Naked Oyster

A documentary abot oysters and the art of desire Script advice. Director Willemiek Kluijffhout, producer Halal Docs, broadcaster VPRO. In production.

Journey to the Morgenland

Documentary about the Syrian composer and musician Kinan Azmeh. Co-screenwriter. Director Frank Scheffer, producers: Selfmade Films, Muyi Film, broadcaster NTR. In production.


Documentary about a theatre play about the seven deadly sins played by the Theatre Company KamaK, the professional actors of which have a mental disorder. How does the theatre contribute to their development and hapiness and how do they deal with the tensions between...

Soldier mothers

A trilogy about mothers who have lost their sons in a war.   Co-screenwiter. Director Marjoleine Boonstra, producer Submarine . In development.


Documentary about Dutch veterans, suffering from chronic PTSD, who in a wooded area of the Netherlands try to find again a purpose in life. Co-screenwriter Director Marjoleine Boonstra, producer Submarine, broadcaster Human. In development.